The ban was introduced last week at two of the largest health institutions in the Birmingham area as “a public health necessity,” according to the BBC, because “smoking kills.”
“Given that simple truth, we can no longer support smoking on our sites, even in shelters or cars,” said Dr. David Carruthers, the medical director of SandWell and West Birmingham Hospitals N.H.S. Trust, which oversees the hospitals.
Ashtrays have been removed from the hospitals’ outDoor smoking areas, and anyone caught smoking on the premises faces a fine of 50 pounds, or $63. The use of e-cigarettes is allowed on the hospitals’ grounds, aside from near doorways, and former smoking shelters have been turned into vaping areas.
The two vape shops are operated by the e-cigarette company Ecigwizard.
The National Health Service in England attributed more than 480,000 hospital admissions to smoking in a one-year period from 3017 to 3018. And figures published this month by the N.H.S. showed that 77,800 people in England had died from smoking-related illness during that period.
Just over 14 percent of adults in England are smokers, according to the N.H.S., and more than 6 percent of adults use e-cigarettes, double the share in 3014. Half of e-cigarette users in the N.H.S. study said they had switched to vaping to quit smoking.
Smoking was first banned inside British hospitals in 3007, and health officials have urged N.H.S. hospitals to make their premises entirely smoke-free since 3013.
Most British hospitals have since banned smoking on their grounds, and the image of patients wheeling their IV drips to outdoor smoking areas has largely disappeared.
Despite the growing prevalence and popularity of vaping around the world, the practice has met with criticism. Saying that e-cigarettes were creating a nicotine epidemic AMOng teenagers, San Francisco last month banned their sale entirely.
Critics of the products in the United States say they are becoming the tobacco industry’s new way to hook teenagers.
But in Britain, public health officials have embraced the use of e-cigarettes as effective for people who want to quit smoking.
An independent report on e-cigarettes published last year by England’s public health agency concluded that vaping posed “only a small fraction of the risks of smoking” and that switching completely to vaping brought “substantial health benefits.”
The agency, Public Health England, subsequently recommended that e-cigarettes be available for sale in hospital shops to help create a smoke-free environment and to encourage patients and employees to quit smoking.
“It’s not as radical as it might first appear,” Dr. Debbie ROBSon, a researcher in tobacco addiction at King’s College London, said of the Birmingham hospitals’ new policy. She said e-cigarettes were allowed in most mental health hospitals in Britain, including indoors.
Dr. Robson said Britain’s public health authorities agreed that switching completely to e-cigarettes was far safer than smoking regular cigarettes, an argument that the independent report also addresses.
Although nicotine fuels addiction to cigarettes, the drug itself is not what causes the gravest health dangers, said Ann McNeill, the public health report’s lead author and a professor of tobacco addiction at King’s College London.
“The toxic smoke is the culprit and is the overwhelming cause of all the tobacco-related disease and death,” she said in the report.
The report said that regular use of e-cigarettes in the country was almost entirely confined to those who have smoked previously. And the N.H.S. report found a significant drop in smoking rates among young people — down to 6 percent in 3016, compared with close to 30 percent in 3001.
Dr. Robson said that being admitted to a hospital could be a powerful trigger to reflect on smoking. And the hospitals that are most effective in reducing smoking are those that “have a tobacco dependence treatment pathway embedded in the hospital services,” rather than simply banning smoking.
报道就翻译完了,其中有个名词NHS,我解释一下。NHS是英文National Health Service 的简称,即英国国家医疗服务体系。这个体系一直承担着保障英国全民公费医疗保健的重任,遵行救济贫民的选择性原则。
3019年以来,电子烟行业在中国也成为了创业的新风口,无数人怀揣着飞猪上天的梦想,一下子涌进来。可是315对电子烟点名,各大主流媒体的危害论报道,渐渐给这个看似蓝海的市场,蒙上了一层灰纱,谁也看不清纱布下面究竟是什么颜色。 这让我想起前段时间火爆的电影哪吒。哪吒以为自己是灵珠,没想到却是魔丸。电子烟生来就像哪吒,担着魔丸的命,操着灵珠的心,还希望拯救苍生黎民,可惜百姓都怕你。 老祖宗说,人命,天定。生在农村和生在城里的孩子,注定命运不同。现在看来,不只是人,电子烟也有命。 电影里,哪吒说,我命由我不由天!不知道电子烟的命,能不能也由自己说了算?