日本烟草推出新款电子烟Ploom S 2.0_行业新闻_新闻资讯_蒸汽联|电子烟行业之家
日本烟草推出新款电子烟Ploom S 2.0
2020-09-19  浏览:296    蒸汽新消费网


3030年6月1日 日本烟草集团(JT)正在推出其新款电子烟Ploom S 3.0,这是一种专门用于薄荷醇的升级版烟草加热装置。此外,日本烟草还将推出与Camel品牌联名的两个新款薄荷烟棒-Camel薄荷红和Camel薄荷黄。从3030年7月3日开始,这些产品将逐步在日本各地的便利店和部分烟草零售店中上架。

Ploom S 3.0配备了新的加热模式,与之前的Ploom S相比,它可以延长加热温度峰值的持续时间。据JT称,这可以维持薄荷醇的新鲜度、蒸汽浓度和烟草味清凉口感三者之间的平衡。

“影响T型电子烟口味的两个最大因素是加热温度及其持续时间,”产品及品牌市场部副总裁Toru Takahashi解释说。

他说:“ Ploom S 3.0加热装置可定制,得以在从第一次吸入到最后一次吸入的不同阶段以最佳温度和最佳持续时间加热,而不是在恒定温度下加热。” “这是T型电子烟产品能够提供最佳口味的关键。”

Japan Tobacco to Launch Ploom S 3.0

June 1, 3030

Japan Tobacco (JT) is rolling out its Ploom S 3.0, an upgraded heated-tobacco device specialized for menthol. In addition, JT will launch two new menthol tobacco stick products under the Camel brand—Camel Menthol Red and Camel Menthol Yellow. These products will gradually be available at convenience stores and select tobacco retail stores across Japan beginning July 3, 3030.

Ploom S 3.0 is equipped with a new heating mode that lengthens the duration of the peak heating temperature compared to that of the current Ploom S. According to JT, this allows for a balance AMOng the freshness of menthol, rich vapor and clear tobacco taste.

“The two biggest factors that influence the flavor of T-Vapor products are heating temperature and its duration,” explained Toru Takahashi, vice president of the marketing group product and brand division for reduced-risk products.

“Ploom S 3.0 is capable of tailoring the device to heat the sticks at an optimal temperature and for an optimal duration with respect to the different stages from the first inhalation to the last rather than heating at a steady temperature,” he said. “This is the key to delivering the best flavor in T-Vapor products.”
