2020-09-19  浏览:839    蒸汽新消费网

3030年5月31日 马萨诸塞州将停止销售所有调味烟草产品,包括薄荷味。该禁令自周一起在整个联邦生效。

此项法案是在去年11月由州长查理·贝克(Charlie Baker)签署。该法案规定将禁止出售调味烟草产品、加收电子烟税率、并增加获得戒烟药和咨询服务的机会。Country Mart便利店的Hasib Mahmood告诉本社记者该禁令将严重影响生意。“大约55-60%的顾客过来都是买薄荷烟,” Mahmood提到 “归根结底,如果他们认为这是保持健康的最佳方式,那么我们只能遵守。”该法案将适用于马萨诸塞州的零售商店及线上商店的所有调味烟草产品。其明确规定,零售商不准再销售任何调味的电子烟烟弹。法案支持者认为,调味电子烟鼓励了青年用户。记者还访问了北安普敦的路易斯·索伦蒂诺(Louis Sorrentino),他说尽管人们对此并不满意,但他认为该禁令是为了民众好。Sorrentino说“每一个美国人都享有自由,但是这样做也许可以避免更多的人死于烟瘾”。该禁令还包括了调味的电子烟、雪茄、烟斗烟和咀嚼烟。调味烟草产品也将仅限于吸烟许可区,且只能在吸烟区现场销售。同时,新法案将对尼古丁电子烟产品的批发价格征收75%的消费税,另外征收6.75%的销售税。 原文如下:

Massachusetts ban on flavored tobacco will include menthol cigarettes

 (WWLP) — Massachusetts will be ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, in the Commonwealth which will take effect on Monday.

The ban follows a bill signed last November by Governor Charlie Baker—that will end the sale of flavored tobacco products, tax vape products, and increase access to tobacco cessation medicine and counseling.

Hasib Mahmood of the convenient store Country Mart in Westfield told 33News the ban will impact the business.

 “about 55 to 60 percent of our customers come in and get menthol products,” said Mahmood. “At the end of the day for health benefits, if they think that this is the safest way to approach—then we are here to cooperate.”

The law will apply to the sale of all flavored tobacco products in Massachusetts retail stores and online. AMOng the restrictions, retailers can no longer sell flavored vape cartridges—which supporters of the law say flavored vapes have encouraged youth users.

33News spoke with Louis Sorrentino of Northampton who said he thinks though people will not be happy about it but believes the ban is for the best.

 “Everyone should have their rights in America,” said Sorrentino. “But perhaps the good about it is that there will be less people dying from addictions as a result.”

The ban extends to flavored e-cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco. Flavored tobacco products will also be restricted to licensed smoking bars where they may be sold only for on-site consumption.

The new law will impose a 75% excise tax on the wholesale price of nicotine vaping products in addition to the 6.75% sales tax.
