迪思成立于1996年,是第一批立足于中国市场为客户提供整合营销顾问服务的专业机构,是中国公关行业的开创者,D&S取“民主与科学”(Democracy and Science )之意。自2001年,迪思一直荣膺中国公关TOP5,被业界誉为中国公关行业的“黄埔军校”,是中国4A会员单位,公关、广告双TOP公司。
Founded in 1996, D&S is one of the earliest and largest professional communication groups in China. With headquarter based in Beijing, D&S also has seven offices in seven cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou and Wuhan. D&S has over 1000 staff who are proficient in Public Relations, Ads, Event or Digital Marketing. In 2014, D&S became a holding subsidiary of Spearhead Group.